Sunday, September 24, 2006


Good Morning Everyone,
Do you know whats "Ten-Nine-Eight" ?
Its a Child help line number free from bsnl.
This number is toll free activated in 72 cities to help distressed & helpless children.
What we need to do ????
All educated people needs to help these NGO people who are running this activity,just by Dialing 1098 & informing about child in this helpline is running in respective city ? How they are getting funds ?for all these questions simply do G000gle.
Generally all people are scared to call any help line to help others thinking they might get into un-wanted trouble.In this help line if you find any missing child ,abandoned child, runaway child ,abused child or child in financial crisis just call 1098 & inform them about child .You don't have to tell ur details.Help line people 'll efficiently traced him & solve his problem with smile on his face..:)
Please spread this message everywhere & help many children .
Trust me your small step will definately change that child world.


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