Tuesday, September 19, 2006


when some one says be professional what exactly does they mean.Does it means to be honest ,be punctual on meeting ,be proactive in your task, be aggresive ,be responsible,be smart enough to make your work visible ,make all efforts to impress (Pamper ego) of higher management ,be alert all time ,update your self with all informations(Company politics ,streghth,current events,future plans OR just target others weakness) ,be good listner ,Maintain decorum of office ,Don't use bad words ,Don't be emotional (:P)etc.

This is it , what we call "Professionalism"? .Arn't We missing essence of it ?
That is to understand a prime goal of our profession (global level & individual level) & behave according to it.
Goal can be to reach your organization on top not in terms of revenue but in terms of goodwill of people in service we provide .

Strange things haunts my mind....
People gets promotion, gets good hike and good performance bonus .These days these things matter a lot in professional Environment.We can say it is an token of "appreciation" in professional language(Though its just materialistic).But were are thoes encourgement filled words ,Pat on back , are they not expression of appreciation !!

I feel....
Apart from being" well done Tag" all the time in self work ,we have to be responsible towards others need.Need to Be on our toes to help within team & across team.
Respect everyone's view regardless of their staus(professional & personal) .

I hate....
People shouting in call (online meetings)provoke others to shout,Fingure pointing & using bad words .
these features surely doesn't come under set of "Professionilism" but Do come under superset of "Quality of being Professinally strong enough"
person not sticking to his/her words.
Snatching others credit for fraction praise.
Feeling of being ignored by male speaker during meeting because you are female.
e.g.You were main developer & functional sorce point & suddenly you moved out of that module to something else.Feeling of iresponsibility towards your completed task.

My new defination of professionalism to sustain in IT industry or any other is.
"Being professional is being unprofessional many times.""

1 comment:

Rohan said...

:-D very good last line !

Btw, a good book to read on being a professional and responsible developer: The Pragmatic Programmer - from journeyman to master.

It's a must read. (It's not about coding techniques)